We spent one night there and set off for a Molokin'i Island, a remenet of a crater 2.5 nm from where we were anchored which offered amazing snorkling and the only chance to sail your boat into a crater. The one problem with Molokin'i is the many tourist vessels and the mooring balls that are 6 feet under the surface and require a member of crew to dive down off the boat and retrieve the mooring line. This experience was complicated with the two of us and a crew member off of Lanai kai was kind enough to dive down for us.
We then sailed up the coast to Maui to Olowalu anchorage for a night. At Olowalu we were able to experience some fantastic snorkeling which included being up close to a dozen sea turtles. They are so cool to watch as they come up to breath and then swim back down and squeeze themselves in between the coral while they snooze.
We are currently on a Lahaina Yacht Club mooring ball of the town of Lahaina. This is such a cute town (very touristy), there is a harbour where we can dock our dinghy and walk into town. The Yacht club has showers (Yippy!!!!) and is letting us stay on their mooring ball for free. We have met such nice people through the yacht club. They have even organised for us to guest dock in Honolulu so we can get the boat ready to go back to Canada. Its nice to be back among a cruising community where everyone is impressed with our travels and want to help us.
We plan to sail to Honolulu Sunday night and hopefully get what we need for the boat and find a thrid crew member. If you know someone who has sailing experience that is interested leave us a note. A 3d crew member would really reduce the load on us and we could all get a continuous 8 hours of sleep a night. Internet is hard for us to find on the islands but we will update whenever we can....Aloha.
Mountains of Maui
Charter boats crowding Molikini
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