We enjoyed an expensive celebratory dinner at Cafe Pesto, did a couple of groceries and then crawled back to the boat for a long sleep. Over the next few days we managed to do our laundry, check our e-mail briefly at an antique store, frequented Kens Pancake house ( a MUST if you visit Hilo), saw a movie in a movie theater that is a school by day and bumped into someone that we knew from Montreal.
We met Beth at a bar we went to for some live music and dinner after our movie. We invited her and her boyfriend for a day sail and BBQ aboard Steady Beat on sunday. We had a great time with them and they were able to explain a lot about Hawaii, Hilo and the volcanoes (the lava flows and the Crater).
We ended up renting a car on monday and driving up to the crater, going to buy books and dvds at Borders, groceries and finally that night to the lava flows. On tuesday morning we woke up at 5 am, rowed in (we haven't put our outboard on the dinghy yet since there is a lot of vandalism reported in Hilo) and jerry jugged 20 gallons of fuel (and after we found a public tap) and 20 gallons of water (this took two trips with the car and poor justin rowing their and back every time).
We were pleasantly surprised when we got up on Tuesday morning Muna Kea finally showed herself to us, it was magnificent! Once we returned the rental car we went for one last breakfast at, guess where........Kens Pancake house!!!! We set off after a quick nap and sailed north along the coast to a small Bay on the north west corner called Nishimura.
Forgot to mention the lovely little guitar Justin bought himself for his birthday (on June 21st). We walked into a guitar and ukulale store in Hilo one day and Justin fell in love with a taylor travel guitar with a beautiful sound. It is perfect for the boat and now wehave to get rid of the larger guitar on board
Scott and Beth out for a daysail
Dalia in front of an old crater
Crater with sulfur spewing out
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