We decided to do the Swiss watch system which is broken down into 5 watch periods
(for 2 crew): 2100 - 0100 (4hours), 0100 – 0500 (4 hours), 0500 -1000 (5 hours), 1000 – 1600 (6 hours) and 1600 – 2100 (5 hours). This watch system was hard to at first but we learned to really like it.
On May 2nd as the sun set we were able to the outline of hills of Baja in the sunset. At 0100 you could see the lights of San Jose Del Cabo. We slowed the boat down to time our arrival with first light. On May 3d at 7 am we docked at a Pelican poo infested fuel dock at Cabo San Lucas and took on some more disel. We couldnt pay with credit card so Justiin walked onto land to find an ATM. We paid for our fuel and Justin gave all our left over Pesos to the fuel guy.
We were extremly impressed with the water clarity of the Marina. We could see the sand, fish and rocks at the bottom 10 feet down IN A MARINA! If thats the water quality of the marina imagine what the rest of Baja looks like? We are dissapointed that we didnt do the Sea of Cortez, just that little peek made us vow to come back one day and do the sea.
At 0739 May 3d Steady Beat left Baja for Hawaii with a lone sea lion waving us off. Its an Adventure!
our special seat in the cockpit
our new bed on the dinette
one sea lion waving us off